The Whales of Playa Las Tortugas
February is peak whales season in Playa Las Tortugas. We observed this mother humpback whale and her calf for 30 minutes.
The humpback whales migrate to the waters offshore of Playa Las Tortugas for breeding and calving. The warm, shallow waters provide a safe environment for mothers to give birth and nurse their calves, away from the colder, predator-rich waters where they spend the rest of the year feeding.
We Have Gray Whales Too!
This juvenile gray whale spent 45 minutes rolling in the sand in just a few feet of water.
To see the whales in action, visit Playa Las Tortugas between December and March, with peak sightings in January and February. Stroll along our secluded five-mile beach and watch the horizon for water spouts, tail slaps, and breathtaking breaches. Binoculars are a great addition—not only for whale watching but also for experiencing perhaps the best best birding in the region.