Directions to Playa Las Tortugas from the Puerto Vallarta Airport.

It will take you 2 to 2 1/2 hours to get from the Puerto Vallarta Airport to Playa Las Tortugas, depending on traffic.

We recommend you take the toll road rather than highway 200. This will shave about 20 minutes off your trip and the timing will be more predictable (i.e., you won’t get stuck behind a truck going 10 mph). The tolls cost about US$30 and you can only use pesos.

Here is a link to the Googlemaps directions.

Directions to Playa Las Tortugas from Guadalajara.

It takes 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 hours to get from Guadalajara to Playa Las Tortugas, depending on traffic.

The new toll road opened in 2024 has made this drive quite a bit faster and safer.

Here is a link to the Googlemaps directions.

The road into Playa Las Tortugas.

The 9 kilometer road into Playa Las Tortugas is very rough. But your reward is the beach is often completely empty.

It’s best to slow down and watch carefully as you approach the turn on to the Playa Las Tortugas road. There is a sign but it is small and often blocked by foliage. The road itself is quite rough. Please be patient, enjoy your dive through the mango orchards and past the charming cows, and allow yourself 40 minutes. The road is flat but very bumpy. You can drive it with a sedan, you just need to be more cautious.

When you arrive at Playa Las Tortugas and step on to the beach you will instantly appreciate the difficult road, because you may very well be the only one on the beach for 5 miles.