Playa Las Tortugas has world class birding. Our bird enthusiast guests have said it’s better than San Blas, which is known to have the best birding in Mexico.

The painted bunting is one of our favorite bird residents here in Playa Las Tortugas. It’s not a common sight but pay attention and you will be rewarded.

The Great Tailed Grackle is synonymous with Playa Las Tortugas. They just love our coconut trees! Their soothing creative calls are a wonderful backdrop to your day.

Tips for Birding in Playa Las Tortugas

Like many places, the key to seeing the best birds in Playa Las Tortugas is to set out into the gardens in the morning and evening. Also, explore around the very edges of the property where things start to get a little more wild. It also helps to find a unique tree different from those around it and linger there quietly for awhile and see what comes your way.

Like the Painted Bunting, the Orange Oriole occasionally makes an appearance in Playa Las Tortugas. A striking bird that’s not to be missed.

You may hear our resident Chachalacas when strolling the outer edge of the Playa Las Tortugas property before you see them. They almost sound like monkeys in the distance.

Viewing Sea Birds in Playa Las Tortugas

Once you step on to the beach or paddle into the estuary the species of birds you will see changes dramatically. Instead of vireos, orioles and buntings you’ll see herons, gulls, and sandpipers. It’s easier to spot sea birds as they are out and about any time of day, are larger, and not hidden by foliage.

Sometimes making a special appearance in Playa Las Tortugas is the Blue Footed Booby. They actually spend most of their time just offshore in the Islas Marias.

The Citreoline Trogon is a special siting anywhere you go. Fortunately, attentive guests to Playa Las Tortugas often are treated to a sighting.

Why is Birding So Good in Playa Las Tortugas?

Playa Las Tortugas has a unique natural setting. We are located right on the beach, which is completely wild for miles and protected as a sanctuary. We also have a huge, wild estuary bordering our property which has heavy foliage all around it. Don’t be surprised to see literally thousands of herons gathered in the wetland area. We are also quite close to the Sierra Madre Mountains and a large area of undeveloped agricultural land. All of these environments meet in Playa Las Tortugas and ensure plenty of nesting space and food for birds.

We have many charming species of woodpeckers here in Playa Las Tortugas. The Golden Cheeked Woodpecker is one you may see in the palms.

We often have a pair of Blackhawks in Playa Las Tortugas. The other birds don’t appreciate their presence, but they are noble birds for sure.

The colorful Euphonia makes an occasional appearance in Playa Las Tortugas. We often spot them in the smaller palms near the villas.

The yellow-crowned night heron is a striking bird often seen in the evening carefully stepping its way through the sand dunes of Playa Las Tortugas.